lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Savings Alert: New Incentives Pay you to go solar Pay Less per month by switching to Solar You are Pre-Approved for Solar Pay Less for Your Energy Savings Alert: Power Bill Reductions with Solar Your Area is Approved for Solar Stop Overpaying for electricity Save up to 80% off your power bill How cut your power bill in half Get Approved for Solar with $0 Down Cut your power bill in half!

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US Solar Dept

Federal, state, and local governments are offering limited time incentives to encourage implementation of solar. Take advantage of these incentives while they last and pay less for your power than you pay today.

How Does it Work?
  • You can save up to 80% off your monthly power bill by going solar
  • Pay for your solar just like you pay your utility bill...with one low monthly fee
  • Installation is easy and you can qualify for no upfront costs
  • Purchase your system and sell power back to the grid
Click Here for Approval

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