sábado, 28 de abril de 2012


Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings to you,
After going through your information on my cable network, I concluded to unfold my present situation to you believing that this will bring to us a very good business relationship.

In my explanation, I am Chief Engr Bello A Omar, 58 years old a fully fledged citizen of Libya (North Africa), handling the portfolio as the government adviser on oil policies for many years ago in my country.

Recently, many portfolios to the government of my country encountered unexpected dissolved from the authority, which I was affected.

I am residing in London with family due to the present regime war in my country.

As the authority operate in systems of services in my country and enhance some policies which I do not see it favorable as it doesn't warrant personnel's like myself to invest privately in my country, I had made up my mind to move into foreign investment with my fortune, which I labored for, during my service terms, Seeking for your kindly understanding to secure my money in your care and invest in your country as partners.

Whereby I had already package and deposited my whooping sum of (Five, million U.S.dollar's), as instructed to me by my bank (United Bank for Africa) to their affiliated Nat-West Bank Security in (London) for safe keeping and to enable me move my money out of the country safely for foreign investment, expecting your compliance for me to transfer my money to your country in respect of business partnership.

This transaction will only take us 14 banking days because as a government personal, I know what to do and move the fund into your country without any delay.

There is no risk involved as I have put all modalities in place to see the success of this project; you're urgent attention is highly needed.

Do contact me on my private E mail :{ahmedomar67@live.com}
Yours faithfully
Chief Engr Bello A Omar

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